Just to update what I've been up to:

Ajtz'ib Maya (Maya scribe)
I finished my Wikipedia project for the Classic Maya Civilization class. My project was writing a brief grammatical sketch of Q'anjob'al, a modern Maya language spoken in the Guatemala highlands. For those of you who are interested, here is the direct link:
(It is also posted on the right side bar with the other Wikipedia articles I've written or had a hand in writing or editing.) There are still a few things I might add, but I think it is a good start for now, especially since almost nothing has been published in English on this language (a few books have been published in Spanish).

I am doing the final edits for my article to appear in the Journal of Folklore Research. I understand it will be published in the final edition of this year, probably around the end of October. This is the article I've written on two Rumsen Ohlone folktales that have never before been published in the original Rumsen language, along with the English translation. I hope this will encourage Rumsens to start a language revitalization project and perhaps teach these two stories to their children.
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